France has announced plans to welcome 30,000 Indian student by 2030. This is part of a larger effort by France to strengthen its ties with India, both economically and culturally.

To achieve this goal, France will be establishing Internatonal classes in French universities and colleges.

These classes will be taught in English and will be designed to make it easier for Indian students to transition to the French educational system.

France is also offering a five year schengen visa to Indian student who have a masters degree or above and have spent at least one semester studying in france. This visa will allow Indian students to travel freely within the schengen area, which includes 26 European countries.

These intiatives include:

Welcoming 30,000 Indian students by 2030.

Establishing international classes in france to help indian students transition to the french educational system.

Offering a five year schenegen circulation visa to Indian alumni who have studied in France.

Strengthening its campus france network in India with additional staff and resources.

The french government is also organizing a choose france tour 2023 in four major indian cities to give students and their parents the opportunity to learn more about study options in france.

There are many reasons why INdian students should consider studying in france. France offers a wide range of academic disciplines and programs, including culinary arts, hospitality management, social science, arts and design, and more. France also offers scholarships specifically designed for Indian students.


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