Education Fraud: Canadian Govt to deport 700 Indian students with fake visa documents

More than 700 Indian student are facing deportation from Canada after the authorities in the North American country found their admission offer letters to educational institutions to be fake. they received deportation letters from the Canadian Border Security Agency recently.

This education fraud is one of its kind which came to the fore in Canada for the first time. Experts said that such a big fraud was a result of a large number of applicants to Canada.

After passing +2, about 700 students applied for study visas through Education Migration Services, Jalandhar headed by one Brijesh Mishra. These visa applicattions were filed from 2018 onwards till 2022. Mishra chargedeach student between Rs.16 to Rs. 20 lakh for all expenses including admission fees to a premier institute Humber college. Air tickets and security deposits were not inculded in the payment to the agent.

All trouble started when CBSA scrutinized the documents on the basis which visa was granted to th students and found admission offer letters fake. Deportation notices were issued to all the students after granting them an opportunity for a hearing.

The agent very cleverly did not himself sign our visa application files but made each student sign to show that the student was a self-applicant without hiring the services of any agent. This was deliberately done by Mishra as he had faked the documents.

The CBSA officials were now not accepting the claims of innocence of the victims as there was no evidence to prove that agent Mishra prepared and arranged all documents. The CBSA was also not accepting the failure of the Canadian visa and airport authorities that issued visas and allowed them entry by checking the authenticity of all documents.

The only remedy left for the students is to challenge the deportation notices in court where proceedings may continue for 3 to 4 years. It is common knowledge that hiring the services of Canadian lawyers is a very costly proposition.

The parents of cheated students tried to repeatedly contact the agent in Jalandhar, but his office was locked continuously.

Here we want to clear that our company does not charge any kind of fees from the students, nor do we allow any kind of mistake with the future of the students, we make their future bright and not ruined, so you can trust on us.

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